Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Training Week 1: First Run

So yesterday was the first run of the first week of my half marathon training.  I'm using a 22 week program that ramps up my mileage slowly, by a mile every other week.  I know this may sound excrutiating to most people, but for me it feels more natural to build the mileage by mile instead of by blocks of 2 miles.  My friend Danielle told me during her training for her half marathon earlier this year, that jumping up in mileage was hard and that she wished it had been a slower progression.  So my slow rise in mileage sounds just right to me!

Yesterday called for a 30 minute run with frequent walk breaks.  I'd had an absolutely terrible day at work and almost called my run off for the day, I just wanted to go home and sleep.  Then I looked at my workout clothes bag and knew I had to at least try.  So I changed at work, threw my stuff in my car and decided to go for a run around the Seattle Waterfront.

At first I was sure I was going to take full advantage of the walking breaks, but I was just trucking along slowly getting into the run and shaking off all the stress from the day.  It was time for my walking break and so I took it, but I didn't walk for long as the momentum pushed me back into my running stride.  I kept going and just kept running, letting my mind wander and enjoying listening to the lapping of the waves on the shoreline.  Then I realized that I'd blown through all of my walking breaks and was still going.  So I decided to take my last walking break, but my legs were having none of that and pushed through.  My body was telling me it needed to run and who am I to deny my body what it is needing.  So I finished my run with a nice cool down 5 minute walk to my car.

When I got to my car and downed some water, I let out a great big sigh and a smile appeared.  This run is exactly what I needed after the day I'd had and I felt a million times better than I had when I'd left on the run.  I was happy that I didn't call off my run, my first run of my training, and I was even happier with the effects of taking the run.

This training is only going to get tougher as the weeks pass.  The weather is starting to turn here and it's getting colder and the rain is not too far behind. 

Because I don't have a gym membership, I'll be doing my runs in the elements, trying my wills to run and to do so in the wind, rain and snow.  This was the first day of my training, but the true test has yet to come.

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