Monday, March 25, 2013

Momentum Monday: Forget yesterday

Good morning all and welcome to another Monday!  Did everyone have a great weekend?  My three day weekend was blissful and I got to see and interact with lots of people.  The weather was sunny and good times and good laughs were had by all.  A successful weekend for sure.

Though I was struggling with something this weekend.


When I set out to train for my first half marathon, I was pretty focused.  I had my training plan and I knew what I was supposed to do and when.  Now that I have completed the half and it's been a month since I've ran it, I'm struggling with continuing to train for my upcoming half marathons in June and August.

I haven't been running much at all and have begun feeling "fluffy" around the mid-section again from my lack of cross training and running.  I will have a run planned and will let something distract me or deter me from going out and getting my miles in.

Then I would sit and beat myself up about it.  I would be disappointed in myself and put myself down for not doing what I should be doing to achieve my goals and continue with my training.  Then I would be gung-ho about my next run and get excited about it even.  Then when the time comes for me to go out and run, I would end up getting into something else and not run.  Starting the cycle all over again.

I need to shake out of this funk, get out of this cloud that I am stuck in so I can get back into something I really enjoy doing.  Now mind you, this has been going on for about two weeks, but it feels like it has been going on for forever.  So when I saw this quote for Momentum Monday, I thought it would be a good reminder for myself and anyone that might be struggling right now.

I need to get my head on straight and realize that we all trip and fall in our endeavors and that we can't beat ourselves up for mistakes we make.  I take myself far too seriously at times and can be really brutal in critiques about myself.  I need to let go and just take each day as it comes, one day at a time.  I need to remember things about the past so I don't repeat the mistake, but I can't keep punishing myself for things that did or didn't happen in the past.  I can't go back and change it, I can only work on bettering myself today.
Question for you: Do you have trouble letting go of past mistakes?  Do you let those affect how you deal with current situations?


  1. I have trouble letting go of the fact that I have to RELEARN lessons a lot of the time. It's not the past mistake that bugs me, it's when it crops up again and I realize that it's a reoccurring issue that I will have to keep addressing. The best I can do is just keep moving forward and realize that things cycle in life like this and eventually we figure it out! There are plenty of times that we step off the path or veer in a different direction, but we're still ON a path, whichever way we go. Don't beat yourself up about it, just keep moving forward and you'll get back out there and remember why you love it before you know it!

    1. Ain't that the truth! I feel like I'm learning lessons over and over again. I guess that is the point, maybe.
      Thank you for your insight and kind words. I know the clouds will lift soon, I'm just anxious to get out of this funk.

  2. I'm in the same funk. I got sick before Princess, rested enough to race but then took the following week (last wk of Feb) off to make sure I kicked it. The first wk of Mar I was consumed with my mom's group's consignment sale...and now it's the last week of Mar, what happened? I did PR the GA Publix Half I ran on 3/17 but even that runner's high did not have me hopping back into training. I bailed on a 5K this last Saturday because of bad rainy/cold weather then the race was cancelled (so I don't feel so terrible).

    I registered for a few races today and am researching training plans. Maybe this will help? I don't feel like I'm harping on my past month of no good training...I just have a crazy difficult time jumping back into a training routine after being MIA.

    1. I was so impressed to see you back at it with a half marathon on 3/17. I was envious that you were able to do that!

      I'm hoping that the days closing in on my next race will be enough to help wake me up. Maybe I should go your route and register for more races to get me going. :)

    2. YES! Register for more! I really want to rock the Peachtree Road Race on 7/4, and run non-stop which training for that will help my 13.1 training. I'm running another Half on 4/27 but it's hilly and I don't know if I'll bother training hills between now and then. I guess I'm still feeling a bit defeated/unmotivated. I printed a copy of Another Mother Runner's 13.1 training program. I need to put pen to paper and then get going. (Maybe by telling you, I'll feel more accountable?)

  3. I'm definitely struggling with running right now. I think it's because my rough training plan doesn't "start" for a couple weeks. I've been lucky enough in the past to always train with my hubby, but this year while I build up my mileage again, I'm running solo. And when that little voice in my head makes up an excuse not to run, there's no one to even question it.

  4. Just posted on motivation. My next half is on April 14, and I am NOT properly trained! aahhh.

  5. Sorry for another post... Not sure if you're still planning to use Jeff Galloway's Dumbo plan (whenever is comes out), but I created my own if you're interested. I'll be posting a weekly recap/plan on Tuesdays if you'd like to join in. :) Here's the training plan:
