Monday, May 13, 2013

Momentum Monday: Just Run

Hellloooooooooooo Monday! It's the beginning of the week and raining. Boo! Where did our glorious sunshine go!?! I'm looking at the weather outlook for the week and all I see is rain. Looks like my Dumbo training will continue on in the rain! May showers bring June...mold?  I don't know, but it seems to be raining in other parts of the country too, so I guess we're not alone!

This weekend was an interesting one for me though.  On Saturday I was able to take my first long run since Easter weekend when my back issues started.  I was naturally nervous and wanting to be cautious about what I did during my run in hopes not to reinjure myself.

I went along the route I have done numerous times before and tried to keep a nice slow pace. I wasn't going for time, I was going for distance. During the run I had lots of different thoughts, though two were the most prominent; 1) it is TOO HOT to be running this late in the morning. I had gotten a late start and wasn't running until almost 10am, the sun was out in full force and there was no breeze. I remembered that my previous half training was during the cold season and now it's starting to heat up and I can't run these distances this late in the morning. Moral of the story: early rise on Saturday to get the mileage in before it gets too stinking hot!

Thought #2) Just. Run. I was getting down on myself for my pace time and how difficult it was to get through these 7 miles that I was able to do much easier before. I was getting myself into a foul mood just thinking about that when I thought to myself, I want running to be a lifelong journey, not something I do for a few years and stop. I want this to be a part of my life for as long as I can physically do it. This little hiccup, this bump in the road, is nothing but a blip on the screen of my total story of running. I am just getting back from injury, my body is still healing and I need to give myself a break! I am a runner, regardless of what anyone else says or what pace I'm running at. This is my life and my journey. 

So when I saw this quote I knew it was appropriate for today's Momentum Monday:

I know we get caught up in comparisons when it comes to our running. We always talk about PR's and going for a faster pace and trying to best so-and-so's time, using those more as a benchmark rather than a goal. The problem with that is, you may never achieve that level you are shooting for and in the meantime feel like we've failed because we aren't the running superstar we wanted so badly to be.

Well you know what I say?  Stop getting down on yourself!?!

You are a runner. You get your butt out there and pound that pavement, or blaze a dust cloud on that trail. You are part of something bigger, a movement, a common goal of bettering yourself with the consistent pushing of your limits. You are working on being the best version of yourself, and not trying to be another so-and-so. There is only one of you and being you is better than being an imitation of someone else.

I know I am victim of this myself. I see my running friends and the huge strides they are making and improving and I get angry with myself because I'm not as good as they are. But my journey is not like theirs; we don't share the same issues, suffer the same injuries, have the same setbacks. The common thing we do share is the love for running and the camaraderie it provides. It is what keeps us going and what keeps the sport pure. Of course there is always competition, if not with others than most definitely with ourselves.

So you know what I want to do? I want to embrace it and take my love of running for a ride. Stop letting these distractions get in the way of me enjoying something that brings me so much personal joy. We've got a long running journey ahead of us, lets enjoy the scenery!


  1. Thank you!! I needed to read this today! I had a couple of pretty bad runs this weekend, and started doubting myself (when I run, I have some very negative self-talk!)
    I got through the runs, but ended up doubting my ability to run any further than 6 miles. I know deep down, that I can, and I will. It is just so nice to read this today, and get a good kick in the butt!!!
    We can do this!!!

    1. Oh I'm glad, you're so welcome! It is so easy to get down on ourselves about our abilities, than it is to believe we are capable. We definitely can do this!

  2. Heat and performance: It's in your head! Saw a report where they tested a group of athletes on stationary bikes where they faked the temperature reading on a big thermometer at the front of the room. When it read hotter than it was, performance fell. When it read lower, athletes performed as though it were actually lower!

    Heat does take a toll on the body (hydrate!!), but it seems to take a bigger toll on the mind. Realize you can do more than it feels like you can do when it's hot.

    I'm looking forward to Dumbo too! But it is currently 100F out. I think I'll take tomorrow's run extra early.

    Good luck with your training!

    1. That is really interesting! I do agree that a lot of what we encounter is all perpetuated by our own brains. If we think something is one way, then our bodies will react in that same fashion. Good point!

      Thanks Rick!

  3. Great quote! I've been struggling with my running lately as well, so this really helped! I love that with running, the competition is with yourself (beating your PR, etc) and ultimately you are the only thing holding yourself back.
    With the sun- think of it as heat training for Dumbo. My first year I was blindsided by the heat, to the point where I almost had heat stroke. I love my cold morning runs, but I try to get out in the sun as well to prepare. :)

    1. Good point, Kim! I didn't really think about that. Training in the sun and heat will get me ready for the temps I will encounter at Dumbo. I think I will stay with my normal time now, better to be training in the type of weather you could be running in! Thanks for the advice!

  4. "This little hiccup, this bump in the road, is nothing but a blip on the screen of my total story of running."

    Love this!

    Have you joined the RunFree challenge? It's really helped me have a chance to let go of my pace/distance picking on myself. I don't do it all the time, but a few times I have gone out with no Garmin, no timing and just RUN. It was so freeing and reminded me of why I am doing this! You'll get your stamina back before you know it and this will be a tiny blip like you said. You're in it for the long haul! :)

    1. I haven't. I remember reading your post about it and thought it was a fantastic idea. Getting back to the root of things and just running to run, instead of running to train.
      Thanks for the encouragement sweetie!

  5. Great post. You can not compare yourself to other runners. You need to do your own thing.

    1. Thanks Bethany! It really is tough not to compare yourself to other people, so it's a good reminder every once and a while that you need to do your own thing.

  6. Great post! We are often our worse critics...I know I am. But we're getting out there and running, and that's what's most important. :)

    I nominated you for a Very Inspiring Blog award today on my blog :) Check it out!

    1. Thanks Jen! We are our own worst critics and it's tough not to be, but I'm trying to be better. :)

      Thank you for the nomination! I'm blushing over here! I'll definitely check it out!

  7. YES, this is so true. The moment I stopped calling myself "slow" or feeling down on myself for not being as fast as other runners in races -- or just having a bad run/race in general -- is when I really started to be able to embrace myself as a "real runner!"

    I also wanted to let you know that I nominated your for a Liebster Award! The details are in my recent post. Love your blog! :)

    1. It's amazing what positive thinking can do for you! That is great to hear!

      Thank you for the nomination! I am honored and thankful! I'm glad you enjoy my blog, it warms my heart!
