Hello! I bet your saying welcome back stranger, right? It's been a while since I've been here! I know, I'm sorry, its just been crazy for me the past three weeks. Ever since my last post I've been a bit MIA, having a newborn will do that to you. :)
I wanted to thank everyone for the outpouring of support in regards to my last post where I shared about my disappointment with how my pregnancy was ending. All the kind words and stories that you shared were wonderful to read and I am thankful that you shared them with me. I have a lot to update you on with regards to how the birth went and the struggles I've had since that day, but that is for another post.
Today I am wanting to share about something that I'm having to learn and remind myself about everyday. It's a hard lesson and one that I think we all struggle with in so many facets of our lives, that it never really gets resolved. Is there actually a resolution? I'm not thinking so.
Today's Momentum Monday and life's lesson is: