Thursday, November 1, 2012

"The Jam" Thursday - What is blowing up my iPod

Thursday...I'm so glad you're here.  Tomorrow is a day off for me and I'm REALLY looking forward to sleeping in!  That being said, that means today is my Friday and I've got a fun "jam" for you today.

There are times when you are just starting your run or race and you're not quite ready for the music that is "pop"-ish or pumping.  You need something a bit more gritty and pace pushing to get you going.  This song on my list came on at just that point, just as I was starting out and I needed something to push the pace.  This song really got down and helped get me to a pace that I was wanting where I could push even harder.

Today's "jam" is an oldie but goodie, I present:

I know metal music might not be everyone's forte, and hell, the music I usually feature is the farthest thing from metal.  There is just something about this song that gets in and pushes you, pushes the pace and really gets your legs pumping.  I never would have guessed it if I hadn't experienced it myself, it really does a good job at pushing you!  So enjoy and more importantly, enjoy the ride!

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